Achiever offers more than 70 milestones in 4 different categories! Keep an eye on your steps, reached elevation, distance, expended calores, sleep, heartrate and more. Your fitness at a glance!Receive feedback regarding your performance and earn achievements and badges. Achievements are cool, but badges are awesome! All you have to do is live your life as you would do it anyway as you will reach more milestones from day to day. Though not being lazy can help a bit!
Achiever doesn't analyze how you were doing in the past, but displays what you have just achieved in an informative and sometimes humorous way. Be entertained by interesting facts and funny comparisons.
Optimized for the Pulse Ox and Withings:Connect to your Withings Account to get the most possibilities that Achiever can offer you. Measure your heartbeat or number of steps with the official Withings App. In case you own a Pulse Ox Activity Tracker, all of the milestones are ready for you to reach. Earn achievements in your sleep.. literally!
Google Fit Support:Even if you don't have a Withings Account, Achiever can offer a lot! Connect to your Google Fit profile and earn achievements with your steps, distance and calories! Sleep and heart support is on the way!
More milestones? Sure! Suggest your idea using the 'suggest a milestone' feature to let me know about your ideas and maybe you will get your personal badge with the next update!
Good luck achieving!